How it all started...
In 2009, Pastor Matt Henry began to meet with a group of people to explore the start of a new church in Kenosha, WI. He was pastoring a church in the community, but after spending several years trying to revive the church, he concluded the best course of action would be to let the church pass into history. This conclusion was the impetus for these initial meetings, culminating into what is commonly referred to as a “church replant.”
The driving goal was two-fold: First, to make a church that had the Word of God be the foundation and purpose of all that was done. Second, to create a church where believers would be equipped to go back into their jobs, neighborhoods, and communities with the Gospel. The church was to be a place where members could invite non-Christians to hear uncompromised, biblical teaching, and where they could be loved and accepted wherever they were in life.
In September of 2009 the first service began. Since that time, Missio Dei Fellowship has grown in depth and breadth, becoming a stable and real presence in the community for the sake of the Gospel. By eliminating many programs that are typical of churches, the people of Missio Dei are freer to be intentional in establishing real friendships with those who do not know Christ. Through teaching and Community Groups, members are built up in their faith to become a source of encouragement to one another.
One of the dreams of Missio Dei has been to grow to a point that it could multiply and plant other communities of believers in nearby areas. This dream finally came to fruition with the establishing of a second campus in the South Milwaukee County area. This campus launched Easter Sunday 2018, and is lead by Pastor Matt Miller.
Missio Dei Fellowship is a church that loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is serious about knowing God through His Word. It is a church that wants to see people hear the Gospel and believe its promises. As a result, Missio Dei strives to be found faithful in creating true disciples of Jesus Christ.
The driving goal was two-fold: First, to make a church that had the Word of God be the foundation and purpose of all that was done. Second, to create a church where believers would be equipped to go back into their jobs, neighborhoods, and communities with the Gospel. The church was to be a place where members could invite non-Christians to hear uncompromised, biblical teaching, and where they could be loved and accepted wherever they were in life.
In September of 2009 the first service began. Since that time, Missio Dei Fellowship has grown in depth and breadth, becoming a stable and real presence in the community for the sake of the Gospel. By eliminating many programs that are typical of churches, the people of Missio Dei are freer to be intentional in establishing real friendships with those who do not know Christ. Through teaching and Community Groups, members are built up in their faith to become a source of encouragement to one another.
One of the dreams of Missio Dei has been to grow to a point that it could multiply and plant other communities of believers in nearby areas. This dream finally came to fruition with the establishing of a second campus in the South Milwaukee County area. This campus launched Easter Sunday 2018, and is lead by Pastor Matt Miller.
Missio Dei Fellowship is a church that loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is serious about knowing God through His Word. It is a church that wants to see people hear the Gospel and believe its promises. As a result, Missio Dei strives to be found faithful in creating true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Grow for the purpose of planting
We desire the church to be in a state of consistent growth to accommodate the financing and support of on-going church plants. Lord willing, Missio will plant other campuses that will become churches in their own right that cooperate together under the same core goals. This cooperation would be accomplished by each partnering church designating a small portion of their funds to a central fund. This central fund would then be used in continued endeavors, such as planting additional campuses, helping defray the cost of men being trained for the ministry, and more.

God-centered education for the children of Missio
We see the church as the place where families are being trained to be counter-cultural in every way to the values of this age, and this starts with a sound worldview founded in the gospel and Scriptures. The groundwork for this has already been laid in the founding of our school, Imago Dei Classical School. As the Lord allows, we hope to expand to teach all grade levels and equip the next generation with a comprehensive biblical worldview.

Train future leaders and planters
We likewise foresee a day where being able to have formal, theologically sound seminary training will come to an end. With this in mind, we envision the local churches rising up and offering an equivalent to rigorous seminary training. Within the context of the local church, small groups of men can come to be trained, discipled, and if the Lord wills, sent out as faithful pastors and/or church planters that participate towards this same end.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:00am or 11:00am.