
As you have spent time at Missio Dei, you may have heard baptism mentioned on a few occasions. Below, we will try to briefly answer such important questions as:

- Why is baptism so important?

- Why is someone baptized?

- What is baptism?

- Who should be baptized?

- How can I be baptized?


{Baptism is commanded by God.}

In Matthew 28:19, part of the Great Commission Jesus gives His disciples (and us) is to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit." One of the first things we are to do as Christians is to be baptized. Even Jesus Himself was baptized to mark the beginning of His Ministry.


{Baptism expresses unity with Christ.}

As Romans 6:3-5 says, it is through our baptism that we express our unity with the death of Christ and his Resurrection. We come into the water as our old selves, slaves to sin, and through immersion, we show Christ's death and burial, as a symbol of dying to ourselves. Finally, we are brought up and out of the water, which symbolizes we are new, clean creatures, wholly committed to being Christ-like in all we do.

{Baptism is a public statement of faith.}

Baptism is not a private act. It was intended to be a public display for the world to see in a very tangible way the death and resurrection of Christ. By being baptized, we are fulfilling the Great Commission, not simply by the act of baptism itself, but by publicly presenting our faith to our friends, family, coworkers, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It is precisely because of the public nature of this event that someone being baptized should invite as many friends and family--especially those who do not profess Christ as their Lord and Savior--to their baptism. This is a person's way of telling their friends they are now identified with Christ and their hope is solely in the Gospel.


{Baptism is solely an expression of faith by full immersion in the water.}

Water baptism is a public declaration that we have turned away from our sins and put our faith in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord (Acts 2:38). It is important to recognize that baptism does not save us; instead we are saved by God's grace as we trust in His Son who died for us on the cross and was raised from the dead (Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-10). Being baptized also is not a means of grace. However, baptism publicly identifies us with Jesus Christ as His disciples, His followers. This is vital because Jesus Himself said, "If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in heaven" (Matthew 10:32). As we seek to emulate Christ's death and resurrection, we do so by being baptized by full immersion in the water.


{Baptism is only for those who have expressed faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.}

Baptism is a personal, yet public, expression of faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is required that one hears, and believes in the Gospel, repent of their sins, and embrace Christ as their only hope for salvation. Thus, baptism is for believer's only, and not for unbelievers. It is because of this that we do not believe in or affirm infant baptisms.


Write out your testimony to the leaders of the church. Meet with an Elder or Elder's Assistant. There will be an informal meeting where an elder will take some time to talk with you about your testimony, the Gospel and your life.

In the days before you are baptized, you should be sharing your excitement with friends and family members, particularly those who do not believe. This is an excellent opportunity for them to see and hear publicly how you have changed, and what you believe.

Important Requirements:

1. Arrive at least 30 minutes early to the service  

2. Wear clothing that is modest when wet. Dark clothing like a t-shirt and shorts is recommended. For women, it is also recommended that a swimsuit or something similar be worn underneath the chosen clothing. Yoga pants and form-fitting leggings are not allowed. 

3. Bring a printed copy of your testimony, a change of clothes, and a towel.