Racism, Justice & MDF's Response

Jun 7, 2020    Matt Miller, Matthew Henry

In light of the recent events surrounding the death of Mr. George Floyd in Minneapolis the elders will conduct a special service to try to bring some biblical light to a very difficult set of subjects. The focus will be on a biblical view of racism, justice and how Christians ought to begin to think and respond. These are lightening rod issues today and they threaten to break apart the unity of God’s people. The format will be simple, with the pastors conducting a time of instruction together and then opening it up for questions from the congregation. All of this will be a part of the worship service that starts at 10:30. It will be live-streamed as well which will allow for typed in questions via YouTube live chat. Please note: Nursery & Sunday School WILL BE available again!

We strongly encourage you to first listen to our latest podcast the deals with this very subject. You can find it on our app under “Podcast” or at https://www.faithfable.com/post/protests-riots-and-racism.